(1) A na-eji DICOCTAMAMA dị ka ahịhịa na-enweghị atụ ma ọ bụ ala na-enye usoro sistemụ na ihe mgbochi dị ukwuu megide ata na-acha ọbara ọbara. It is suitable for use in wheat, corn, grain, rice, and other grass crops, offering effective prevention and elimination of pigweeds, wheat creeper, cattle breeding, big nesting lettuce, sow lettuce, azalea, thin solanum, field spinach, prickly vetch, zinnia, and carp intestines, among others.
(2) Mgbe ị ga-enyefe ya, a na-etinye ihe ndị ahụ, akwụkwọ, na mgbọrọgwụ nke ahịhịa, na-eme ka ọ ghara ịdị mma, ọ bụghị ihe na-adịghị mma maka ọka na-eguzosi ike 2-methl-4-4-monochloramine nnu.
Ihe | Rizootu |
Mputa | White Crystal |
Na-agbaze | 113 Celsius C |
Isi mmiri | 316 Celsius C |
Keuju | 1.57 |
Ntinye uche | 1.5000 (atụmatụ) |
Nchekwa URP | 2-8 ° C |
Ihe ngwugwu:25 n'arọ / akpa ma ọ bụ dịka ịchọrọ.
Nchekwa:Chekwaa na a ventilated, ebe akọrọ.
EzekutivStandard:International Station.